Dental Night Guards for Jaw Relief

Without the bulky, uncomfortable fit found in over-the-counter kits

Bruxism is the grinding or clenching of the teeth that leaves patients with dull headaches, jaw soreness, or even chipped or cracked teeth. If this happens to you once in a while, it isn’t typically a cause for concern. We consider it a problem when it happens more consistently.

About 15% of young children experience it, but in older adults aged 60 and over, The Sleep Foundation says only 3% are affected. This is probably why many people don’t even realize they have bruxism until they see Dr. Daniel during their dental exam.


What are dental night guards?

Night guards are a protective device used to cover teeth. Though they’re made for nighttime, bruxism can happen any time of day.


Causes of Bruxism

Oral health professionals believe there are many causes of bruxism. Lifestyle habits like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or drinking a ton of caffeine can play a part. Certain prescription meds and even high levels of stress can cause the teeth to grind. And sometimes, those who clench their teeth during the day can also lead to clenching at night.

Treatment Options for Teeth Grinding

Regular dental checkups in our San Ramon office are important so we can catch the damage early. We make custom night guards for patients to wear overnight, made out of soft material that slips over teeth in the jaw. This prevents damage to the teeth and mouth, but it does not stop the grinding.

We also recommend finding ways to destress (easier said than done, we know). But taking steps to lower stress is a great natural way to lessen the teeth grinding. Modifying your diet and having a relaxing way to unwind before bed can be a big game-changer.

Do I need night guards from the dentist?

Getting over-the-counter nightguards is certainly a quick-fix method. But our custom-made guards are made with a premium quality molded to your specific mouth. We take impressions of your teeth and then send the mold to a dental lab.

Once the guard is ready, we invite patients back in, where Dr. Daniel checks the fit and makes all the necessary adjustments before sending you home. Patients find our types of guards more comfortable and durable than the store-bought options.

Nightguards and Sleep Apnea

Oral devices for sleep, also known as mandibular advancement devices, can be helpful for mild to moderate apnea. They resemble mouthguards similar to what’s used in sports. It allows the jaw to be moved forward. This is super helpful for those who sleep on their backs or stomachs and can even lower the volume of snoring. Also, people are more likely to use their dental appliances more regularly than CPAP.

How much will it cost?

Nightguards tend to be more expensive, but in reality, restorative dental work can cost more - a lot more. It’s a cheaper alternative than having to fix any broken teeth or deal with the constant headaches from jaw pain. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, we work with patients to find the best payment option available.


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