Dental Exams

Routine dental exams with Dr. Daniel are an important way to prevent dental issues from starting or becoming worse. We recommend scheduling check-ups and cleanings at least twice a year in our San Ramon office. Patients with a higher risk of oral disease are encouraged to come more often.


Why should you have regular exams?

Regardless of how often you brush your teeth at home, regular exams and cleanings in our dental office will always be the better option. This is for two reasons.

The first is because we have state-of-the-art tools that give us deeper insight into your oral health. For example, we have a mouth mirror that gives us tooth angles that are not easily seen, a sickle probe to help find cavities, and other tools that help Dr. Daniel diagnose any diseases inside the mouth.

The second reason is that it helps us find and prevent dental issues from getting worse. According to a 2014 study done by Delta Dental, 24% of people have gone more than 5 years without visiting the dentist! Something as simple as plaque, if left untreated, can become tartar then lead to gum disease or tooth decay.

It’s much easier to prevent issues if we catch them earlier. 

Nervous about your dental visit?

We break down exactly what you can expect below.

Dental check-ups at Twin Creeks Dental take about 60 minutes. And it is typically split into two parts, the cleaning, and the exam.

Teeth Cleanings

First, we start with a medical history review for all patients. We’ll go over any medications and supplements you’re currently taking, or past prescriptions and surgeries. We can also chat about any dental concerns you may have.

Second, if necessary, we’ll take digital radiographs or x-rays. This gives us detailed images of specific sections in your mouth. Although radiation exposure is quite low, patients are required to wear a lead apron during this time.

Lastly, teeth cleaning will be performed by Dr. Daniel. He will completely remove any tartar or buildup, polish the teeth to remove plaque or stains and finish with flossing.

Dental Exam

Dr. Mabaet will use both visual and X-rays results to check for defects and to evaluate for future risk of disease.

Other things he’ll evaluate:

Overall health and oral hygiene

Bite alignment

Fluoride needs

Existing dental work

He will give recommendations for any problems, like dental fillings for cavities, crowns for damaged teeth, or dental implants.

He will also answer any other questions you may have.

Oral Cancer Exams

During each dental examination, Dr. Mabaet will also conduct an oral cancer exam. He will feel the area under your jaw, the sides of your neck, and the insides of your lips and cheeks. The sides of your tongue and the roof and floor of your mouth will also be examined.

What if I have gum disease?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, means bacteria in the mouth has built up so much, the area around the tooth becomes completely inflamed. Without treatment, gum recession, and even tooth loss can occur. In other cases, it can also be associated with more serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease. It is vital to treat the inflammation as soon as possible to make sure your entire body stays healthy.

If you already have gum disease or are suspected to have it, Dr. Daniel will have to schedule a separate appointment for a periodontal evaluation. During this evaluation, he will look at your teeth, plaque level, gums, bone structure, and risk factors.

The periodontal appointment will be about 60 minutes.

How much will it cost?

While it might seem dental checkups are costly, the benefits do outweigh the disadvantages.

Preventing oral issues are more affordable than paying for treatments. Even when it comes to the more expensive procedures, such as root canals, implants, and orthodontic devices, taking care of your teeth reduces the cost and pain of care.

We also accept many major insurances.

Regular exams and cleanings can help guarantee that the only dental care you ever need is preventive.

Still have more questions? Please send us a message.




Deep Cleaning